juridic titleHouse
type of monastery 4 monks CongregationSylvestrine Congregation (Silv)address Monastero Nostra Signora di Czestochowa
Largo Augusto Corelli, 9
I-00155 Roma
GMT offsetGMT+01:00
Telephone The number in parenthesis to be skipped when calling from abroad. +39 06 2290894
fax +39 06 2292553
website http://larustica.silvestrini.org/
email address larustica@silvestrini.org
Email of the webmasterlarustica@silvestrini.org
code of closest major airport FCO
closest major city Roma
Underground / SubwayRebibbia
exitLa Rustica (0) (0)
patronale feastNostra Signora di Czestochowa