juridic titleAbbey
type of monastery 24 monks CongregationSwiss Congregation (Helv)address Benediktinerabtei
CH-4115 Mariastein
GMT offsetGMT+01:00
Telephone The number in parenthesis to be skipped when calling from abroad. +41 (0)61 7351111
fax +41 (0)61 7351103
website http://www.kloster-mariastein.ch
email address info@kloster-mariastein.ch
Email of the webmasterinfo@kloster-mariastein.ch
code of closest major airport BSL
closest major city Basel
Basel SBB
busN° 69 from Flüh to Mariastein Kirchplatz
tramwayN° 10 from Basel SBB to Flüh (0) (0)
other pastoral activitiesLocus Peregrinationis-Wallfahrtsort-Sanctuary:
S.Maria Mater Consolationis in sacello BMV in Petra
patronale feastS.Vincentius, Levita et Martyr (22/22)