juridic titlePriory
type of monastery 8 monks , 5 lay oblates CongregationItalian Province (Subl it)address Monastero Ss. Pietro e Paolo
Località Giardino della Risurrezione
I-28887 Germagno (VB)
GMT offsetGMT+01:00
Telephone The number in parenthesis to be skipped when calling from abroad. +39 0323866832 +39 0323887281
fax +39 0323866832
website http://www.monasterogermagno.it
email address monastic@libero.it
Email of the webmastermonastero@monasterogermagno.it
closest major city Milano
Verbania-Pallanza (0) (0)
patronale feastSs. Pietro e Paolo (29/29)