juridic titlePriory
type of monastery 8 monks CongregationCongregation Notre-Dame d'Espérance (cons Croixrault)address Prieuré Saint-Benoît
1,rue de la Coursoupe
95510 Chérence
GMT offsetGMT+01:00
Telephone The number in parenthesis to be skipped when calling from abroad. 33 (0)1 34781261
website http://www.notredamedesperance.com/fr/page04-05.html
email address prieure.cherence@wanadoo.fr
Email of the webmasterprieurgeneral@notredamedesperance.com
code of closest major airport CDG
closest major city Paris
exitLimay (0) (0)
patronale feastSolemnity of Saint Benedict (11/11)