
Abbey   Altenburg

Benediktinerabtei Altenburg

juridic titleAbbey
type of monastery 12 monks CongregationAustrian Congregation (Aust)address Benediktinerabtei Altenburg
Abt Placidus Much - Straße 1
A-3591 Altenburg bei Horn
Österreich (Austria)
GMT offsetGMT+01:00
Telephone The number in parenthesis to be skipped when calling from abroad. +43 (0)2982 34510
fax +43 (0)2982 345113
email address
Email of the
code of closest major airport VIE
closest major city Horn (40)
university Altenburger Sängerknaben (0)
museum (geöffnet Palmsonntag - Allerheiligen, täglich 10.00 - 17.00)
exhibitions (jährliche Sonderausstellungen
2005: "Vor dem Angesicht der Engel...")
performances Sommertheater im Juli
Konzerte der Altenburger Sängerknaben, von Allegro Vivo und der Altenburger Musikakademie
fine arts Stift Altenburg gilt als "Barockjuwel des Waldviertels" - einzigartig ist das "Kloster unter dem Kloster" (archäologische Ausgrabungen des 12. - 14. Jh unter der spätbarocken Klosteranlage)
patronale feastHl. Lambert von Maastricht (17/17)

The beginnings of Altenburg Monastery reach back to the year 1144 when Countess Hildburg von Poigen-Rebgau founded it in memory of her deceased husband, Gebhard von Poigen.

In the 18th century, after numerous acts of destruction on the part of invading Hussites, Swedes and others, the Barock monastery which visitors admire today was designed by and built under the supervision of Abbot Placidus Much an the guidance of the architect Josef Munggenast. The 20th century, with both its world wars, also left behind deep marks in the history of the monastery. These scars could only be removed through long and costly restoration work.