juridic titleAbbey
type of monastery 18 monks CongregationFlemish-Dutch Province (Subl flan)address Sint Pieters-en-Paulusabdij
Vlasmarkt, 23
B-9200 Dendermonde
Belgie / Belgique
GMT offsetGMT+01:00
Telephone The number in parenthesis to be skipped when calling from abroad. +32 (0)52 338780
fax +32 (0)52 201559
website http://www.abdijdendermonde.be/
email address abdij@abdijdendermonde.be
Email of the webmasterabdij@abdijdendermonde.be
code of closest major airport BRUSS
closest major city Gent, Antwerpen, Brussel
Dendermonde (0) (0) (sporadic)
missionary work
other pastoral activitiesmonthly spiritual conference for lay people
performances sporadic concerts in abbey church
patronale feastSt Peter and Paul (29/29)