
Abbey   Agbang

Monastère de l'Incarnation AGBANG

juridic titleAbbey
type of monastery 23 monks , 1 lay oblates CongregationOttilien Congregation (Ott)address Monastère de l'Incarnation AGBANG
Boîte Postale 251 - KARA
GMT offsetGMT+00:00
Telephone The number in parenthesis to be skipped when calling from abroad. +228 9993 877 +228 9022 259
email address
Email of the
code of closest major airport AIGE
closest major city KARA
portPort autonome de Lomé
busA la STATION DE KARA-SUD demander un taxi pour AGBEBOU ou un TAXI-MOTO pour AGBANG -MONASTERE à 20KM de KARA
schools and institutes 6 - 15 ans (50) (0)

missionary work
other pastoral activitiesPartage de nos métiers et compétences avec l'entourage dans la prestation de services hors du monastère, aide dans les paroisses et stations secondaires pour la célébration eucharistique en cas de non disponibilité du prêtre diocésain chargé, animation liturgique sur Radio Maria - Lome, bibliotheque scolaire et Internet CAFE comme evironnement numerique de travail et de partage du savoir pour le monde educatif de la ville de KARA, tradithérapie par la pharmacopée etc.
craft work and other products Orfèvrerie pour la fabrication et la réfection des vases sacrés et pectorales
printing and editing Imprimerie saint Antoine & Edition de la Brousse-Agbang
otherHerboristérie traditionelle
patronale feastIncarnation (25/25)

After recruiting a number of local vocations, a Benedictine monk from Togo, opened a religious house in Agbang on August 6, 1985. Agbang is situated in northeastern Togo, close to the border with Benin. The community submitted a request at the General Chapter of 1988 to join the Benedictine Congregation of St Ottilien whe-reupon Agbang was accepted by the Congregation as a "new foundation on an expe-rimental basis". On November 9, 1991, the monastic character of the foundation was officially recognized by the Archabbot of St Ottilien and the community was placed directly under the Congregation. On December 21, 1992, the "Monastere de 1'Incamation d'Agbang" became a simple priory.
The Incarnation Monastery of Agbang has a study house at Kara (Diocese of Kara) which was founded on January 15, 1992.