
Abbey   Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac

Abbaye Sainte-Marie des Deux-Montagnes

juridic titleAbbey
type of monastery 40 nuns , 30 lay oblates CongregationSolesmes Congregation (Sol)address Abbaye Sainte-Marie des Deux-Montagnes
2803 Chemin d'Oka
Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac(QC),JON 1PO
GMT offsetGMT-06:00
Telephone The number in parenthesis to be skipped when calling from abroad. +1 450 4737278
fax +1 450 4739833
email address
Email of the
code of closest major airport Yul
closest major city Montreal (0) (0)
craft work and other products Chapelets, paniers-cadeaux de produits monastiques, accessoires de reliure (v.g.rubans-signets,"livres blancs")
printing and editing livres d'enfants
fine arts Montage d'icônes, cartes imprimées ou faites à la main,
otherCassettes et CD de chant grégorien
patronale feastAssomption de la Sainte Vierge (15/15)

The Abbaye Ste-Marie des Deux-Montagnes was founded in September 1936 by R.M.Gertrude Adam, who came from the Benedictine monastery of Notre-Dame de Wisques (Pas-de-Calais, France) with 3 other sisters in order to form to contemplative benedictine life a small group of Canadians. After 10 years, the monastery was erected Abbey, In 1981, the Abbaye Sainte-Marie swarmed in Vermont (U.S.A.) where was founded the Priory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Westfield.
Both of these monasteries belong to the Congregation of Solesmes. The four keynotes of this international Congregation are:
- A life entirely devoted of contemplation favoured by the papal enclosure,
- The solemn celebration of the Liturgy in accordance with Vatican II Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. Both monasteries have retained Latin and Gregorian chant for Mass and Divine Office.
- Living tradition,
- Devotedness to the Holy See.

Presently the Abbess is R.M.Isabelle Thouin.
The architect of the Abbaye Ste-Marie is Edgar Courchesne, a Canadian disciple of Dom Paul Bellot, "the brick poet".
The monastery is located in a very beautiful scenery near lake "des Deux-Montagnes" which owes it's name to the last two mountains of the Laurentides.