juridic titleAbbey
type of monastery 24 monks , 12 lay oblates CongregationEnglish Congregation (Angl)address Saint Louis Abbey
500 South Mason Road
St. Louis, MO 63141
GMT offsetGMT-06:00
Telephone The number in parenthesis to be skipped when calling from abroad. +1 314 4343690
fax +1 314 4340795
website http://www.stlouisabbey.org/
email address frabbot@priory.org
Email of the webmasterfrralph@priory.org
code of closest major airport STL
closest major city St. Louis, Missouri
exitUS-40 at Mason Road
schools and institutes 12-18 (390) (0)
patronale feastMary, Mediatrix of all Graces (8/8)
Founded from Ampleforth Abbey in England in 1955, the monastery became an independent House in 1973. Today the Community numbers 24 Monks, of whom three-quarters are American-born. The Monastery operates a day School for boys in grades 7-12, (aged 12-18) numbering 390 students. Several beautiful buildings have been erected on the 150 acre campus; the Church was renovated in 1995, and a new Monastery residence was completed in 2001. In addition to running the local Parish of St. Anselm, the Monks have frequent interaction with the Catholic community, and provide a hospitable, welcoming atmosphere while at the same time preserving monastic quiet and apartness.