juridic titlePriory
type of monastery 27 sisters , 14 lay oblates Congregationmonasterium sororum singularium (MSing)address Kommunität Venio OSB
Doellingerstr. 32
D-80639 Muenchen
Deutschland (Germany)
GMT offsetGMT+01:00
Telephone The number in parenthesis to be skipped when calling from abroad. +49 (0)89 1795986
fax +49 (0)89 177004
website http://www.venio-osb.org
email address venio@venio-osb.org
Email of the webmasterKommunitaet.Venio@t-online.de
code of closest major airport MUC
closest major city Munich
tramway17 (direction Amalienburgstr.; Stop Romanplatz)
exitMünchen - West (0) (0)
patronale feastTransfiguratio (6/6)