Olinda juridic titleHouse
type of monastery 2 monks CongregationBrasilian Congregation (Bras)address Monges Beneditinos
Igreja de N. Sra. dos Prazeres
Montes Guararapes
54321-970 Jaboatao dos Guararapes (PE)
GMT offsetGMT-03:00
Telephone The number in parenthesis to be skipped when calling from abroad. +55 (0)81 34763944
website http://www.colegiosaobento.com
email address sbento@ig.com.br
Email of the webmastermsbolinda@hotmail.com
code of closest major airport REC
closest major city Recife (0) (0)
patronale feastN.Senhora dos Prazeres(Segunda-feira após a 0itava de Páscoa) (19/19)