juridic titleAbbey
type of monastery 13 nuns , 8 lay oblates CongregationSaint Lioba Federation (LiobaFoed)address Abtei St.Gabriel-Bertholdstein
A-8350 Fehring (Steiermark)
Österreich (Austria)
GMT offsetGMT+01:00
Telephone The number in parenthesis to be skipped when calling from abroad. +43 (0)3155 2671
fax +43 (0) 3155 26714
email address abtei.st.gabriel@utanet.at
Email of the webmasterabtei.st.gabriel@utanet.at
code of closest major airport GRZ
closest major city Feldbach
Feldbach oder Fehring
exitA 2, Ausfahrt Ilz, Bundesstraße 66, oder Ausfahrt Gleisdorf, Bundesstraße 68 (0) (0)
craft work and other products Paramente
fine arts Malatelier (M.Basilia Gürth)
patronale feastVerkündigung des Herrn (25/25)