juridic titleAbbey
type of monastery 15 monks CongregationBavarian Congregation (Bav)address Abtei Schaeftlarn
D-82067 Kloster Schäftlarn
Deutschland (Germany)
GMT offsetGMT+01:00
Telephone The number in parenthesis to be skipped when calling from abroad. +49 (0)8178 790
fax +49 (0)8178 7988
website http://www.abtei-schaeftlarn.de/
email address verwaltung@abtei-schaeftlarn.de
Email of the webmasterverwaltung@abtei-schaeftlarn.de
code of closest major airport muc
closest major city München / Munich (0) (0)
patronale feastHl. Dionysius und Hl. Juliana