juridic titleAbbey
type of monastery 24 nuns CongregationMonastic Congregation of Saint Hildegard (Hild)address Monasterio de Benedictinas de San Pelayo
C/ San Pelayo de Antealtares, 23
15704 Santiago de Compostela
GMT offsetGMT+00:00
Telephone The number in parenthesis to be skipped when calling from abroad. +34 981 583127 +34 981 584166
fax +34 981 560623
website http://www.monasteriosanpelayo.org
email address monasteriosanpelayo@gmail.com
Email of the webmasterisabelruizs@yahoo.es
code of closest major airport Santi
closest major city La Coruña
schools and institutes 3-6 años (40) (0)
museum (Museo de Arte Sacro)
other pastoral activitiesCatecismo de uniciación cristiana
scientific work Archivo abierto a investigadores
craft work and other products Elaboración de tartas de Santiago y otros productos de repostería
Bordados en oro
fine arts Pintura de cirios
otherResidencia universitaria
patronale feastSan Pelayo, Mártir (26/26)