juridic titleAbbey
type of monastery 46 nuns , 48 lay oblates CongregationCono-Sur Congregation (Csur)address Abadí¡ de Santa Escolá³'ica
Martí® Rodrí§µez 547
B1644CCK Victoria - Buenos Aires
GMT offsetGMT-03:00
Telephone The number in parenthesis to be skipped when calling from abroad. +54 (0)11 47446402
fax +54 (0)11 47441194
email address santaescolastica@arnet.com.ar
Email of the webmastersantaescolastica@arnet.com.ar
code of closest major airport EZEIZ
closest major city Buenos Aires
portBUENOS AIRES (0) (0)
patronale feastsanta escolástica (10/10)