juridic titleTerritorial Abbey
type of monastery 23 nuns , 30 lay oblates CongregationCentral- and South-Italy Federation (IT cent)address Monastero San Giovanni Evangelista
Via delle Benedettine (Corte Conte Accardo)
73100 Lecce
GMT offsetGMT+01:00
Telephone The number in parenthesis to be skipped when calling from abroad. +39 0832 305027 +39 0832 303057
fax +39 0832 303057
email address benedettinelecce@libero.it
code of closest major airport BDS
closest major city Lecce
busAutolinee Marozzi
Autolinee Marino
exitBari-Lecce (0) (0)
patronale feastSan Giovanni Evangelista (27/27)