juridic titleAbbey
type of monastery 41 nuns , 70 lay oblates CongregationBrasilian Congregation (Bras)address Abadia de Nossa Senhora das Gracas
Rua do Mosteiro, 138
Vila Paris
30380-780 Belo Horizonte (MG)
GMT offsetGMT-03:00
Telephone The number in parenthesis to be skipped when calling from abroad. +55 (0)31 33444344
fax +55 (0)31 33444344
email address mnsg_bh@ig.com.br
Email of the webmastermnsg_bh@ig.com.br
code of closest major airport CNF
closest major city Belo Horizonte
bus9101 / 8101 (0) (0)
craft work and other products Cartões,imagens sacras, paramentos
printing and editing Folhetos de Missas, convites diversos, traduções
patronale feastNossa Senhora das Gracas (27/27)