Titre juridiqueAbbaye
Type de monastère 21 Moines , 100 Oblats séculiers CongregationCongrégation Américaine de Cassino (AmCas)Adresse St. Peter's Abbey
Box 10
Muenster, Saskatchewan
Décalage horaireGMT-06:00
Téléphone Le chiffre dans les parenthèses est omis quand on appelle de l'étranger. +1 306 6821777 +1 306 6821788
Fax +1 306 6821766
Site internet http://www.stpeters.sk.ca/
Adresse émail guestmaster@stpeters.sk.ca
Adresse émail du webmasterbrkurt@stpetersabbey.ca
Code de l'aéroport principal le plus proche YXE
Ville principale la plus proche Saskatoon (0)
Université St. Peter's College - http://www.stpeterscollege.ca/ (0)
Autres activités pastoralesSt. Peter's Guest House has 35 rooms for single and double occupancy. There is also an open area dormitory which can accomodate 100 people.
Advance bookings should be made with the guestmaster. We invite people to come and spend time in our guesthouse to be renewed spiritually and physically. Guests are invited to join the monks in our daily prayer. Guests may come for a day or for several days.