
아빠스좌 수도원   St. Bernard Abbey- Cullman, AL, USA

Saint Bernard Abbey

법적 명칭아빠스좌 수도원
수도원 형태 28 남자 수도승 , 225 봉헌회 CongregationCongregatio Americano-Casinensis (AmCas)주소 Saint Bernard Abbey
1600 Saint Bernard Drive, SE
Cullman, Alabama 35055
전화번호 외국에서 전화 거실 경우에는 괄호 안의 숫자는 생략하세요. +1 256 734 8291
팩스 +1 256 734 3885
홈 페이지
전자메일 주소
웹 관리자의 전자메일 주소
인접 공항코드 BHM
인접 도시 Birmingham, Alabama
끝내기I-65 Exit 308, then East 4 mi (6.4 km) on US-278
학교 St. Bernard Preparatory School- Grades 7-12 (250) (0)
전시 (The Ave Maria Grotto: Known throughout the world as "Jerusalem in Miniature," the Ave Maria Grotto is a beautifully landscaped, four-acre park designed to provide a natural setting for the 125 miniature reproductions of some of the most famous historic buildings and shrines of the world. The masterpieces of stone and concrete are the lifetime work of Brother Joseph Zoettl, a Benedictine monk of St. Bernard Abbey. Begun as a hobby, with various materials he could find, and infinite patience and a remarkable sense of symmetry and proportion, Brother Joseph re-created some of the greatest edifices of all time.)
기타 사목 활동St. Bernard Preparatory School

St. Bernard Abbey Retreat and Conference Center

Chaplain for Sacred Heart Monastery (Benedictine Sisters, Cullman, AL, USA)

Administer and Pastor Sacred Heart Church, Cullman, AL, USA

Administer and Pastor St. Michael Church, St. Florian, AL, USA

Weekend Pastoral Ministry in Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama, USA

수공업과 다른 생산품들 Abbey Bakery (Monks Bread)
Abbey Farm
Abbey Tailor Shop
Abbey Carpenter Shop

기타Buy product from St. Bernard Abbey online at (
주보성인 축일Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (20 August)