юридическое имяАббатство
тип монастыря 75 монахи CongregationCongregatio Ottiliensis (Ott)Peramiho Abbey
P.O. Peramiho
часовой поясGMT+02:00
телефон Цифры в скобках должны быть отстраненыдля звонка из-за границы +255 (0)25 2602162
факс+255 (0)25 2602917
страница в Интернете http://www.peramiho.org
e-mail peramiho-abbey@peramiho.org
e-mail вебмастераjeremias@ottilien.de
код ближайшего аэропорта Dar
ближайший крупный город Songea (0) (0)
миссионерская работа
другая пастырская деятельность1. Peramiho Parish with 15 outstations and 28000 Catholics.
2. Vocational Training Centre the students of which (including a number of religious brothers and sisters) are trained in various trades such as mechanics, electricians, tailors and carpenters.
3. Nurses? and Midwives? Training School.
4. The hospital with more than 300 beds and two leper settlements.
5. Peramiho Printing Press and Peramiho Publications which specialize in religious books, periodicals and calendars.
6. EMAU Spiritual and Conference Centre.
7. A farm with 500 cattle and 180 pigs.
8. Other workshops: Goldsmith, flour mill, building section, etc.
издательская деятельность We are publishing:
religious Books
Magzines, like "Mwenge" and "Mlezi"